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Museums: do you love them or hate them?

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A trip to a museum is not everyone's cup of tea. Some people love going to museums and poring over all the different artefacts on display. Others absolutely hate it and would far rather stay at home, with an episode of their favourite TV show. Increasingly, museums are being seen as outdated and boring by today's youngsters.


The English Language: It’s Greek to Me

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Is this true???

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Writing about survey results

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FCE tips: speaking part 1: speaking about yourself

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Tip 1
This part of the exam is mainly there to relax the students and start them talking about an easy and pleasant topic – themselves. It is important for the final mark but the real challenge is to be relaxed and sociable. Also, there are not separate marks for the separate sections, so if they start slowly they can make up for it later on.  

Tip 2
Examiners usually ask questions to one candidate for one minute, and then switch to the other(s). The non-talking candidate should listen attentively. If they can prove they have been doing so by referring to their partner’s answers when speaking, all the better.

Tip 3
The topics that will usually be covered are family, work and education, home town, leisure and future plans.

Tip 4
You can practise the various topics by brainstorming language for that topic area onto a spider diagram on the board and then getting students to ask each other questions for a few minutes using the vocabulary. Alternatively, they can prepare mini-presentations on, for example, their hobbies.  

Tip 5
There will also often be a mix of past, present and future forms used. Speaking practice on all these will obviously be useful.   

Tip 6
Any 'getting to know you' activities are useful for this part of the exam, which makes for a good, fun first lesson. If you can slip in some diagnostic work on their language, even better (see Lesson Plan for an example of this).  

Tip 7
The examiner generally starts each topic with a simple question (even Yes/ No) and then moves onto more difficult ones. Generally, if the students relax and react naturally, they should have no problems – so there's no need to respond to ‘Do you have a big family?’ with a five minute speech!


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Welcome!!!  Are you new examinators of the english language? If yes the preparation for your exams must start now!! In this blog you will have the opportunity to learn some things about the Cambridge exams( for FCE) to be more confident about your self!


1) Have a look at a past paper exam, so you can see how it is!!




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by Shawnee Kellie

Autumn Tree

One word can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream;
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald Spring.

One smile can bring a friendship,
One handclasp can lift a soul;
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One cheer can obtain a goal.

One vote can change a Nation,
One sunbeam can lift a room;
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.
One look can change two lives;
One kiss can make love bloom.

One step must start each journey,
One word must start each prayer;
One hope can raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true;
One life can make a difference,
One life is me and you….



Storytelling to celebrate cultural diversity

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Click here and read the article.

Humour in the classroom

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Our latest teaching tip looks at how using humour in the classroom can help with classroom management as well as create a warm atmosphere and help relax students.

Watch Dale demonstrating some simple techniques for introducing elements of humour with a likes and dislikes activity and discussing his ideas.

See the video, if you click here!!!


An other video!!!!!!!!

Why I Hate School But Love Education

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Stephen Fry talks about the return of the Parthenon Marbles

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