Drug preguntas
Nov 12
Method 1 of 3: Cutting It Vertically
Place the pomegranate on top of a cutting board. Since pomegranate juice stains pretty much everything, you may want to protect your cutting board with a cloth and your hands with rubber gloves.
Cut the top crown around the top of the pomegranate until you can pop it off like a lid. Remove it and dispose. The fruit should be in a cone shape after your cutting (see video below).
Slice the skin along the ridges of the pomegranate. The ridges are at the boundaries of the internal sections of the pomegranate — you'll be able to see where they naturally lie. You do not want to cut through and slice the seeds. You only need to score the skin, so only cut through until you hit the white parts.
- A set of sections radiate from the calyx (top or blossom end) and a second set from the stem end. The two sets are divided by a ridge running around the pomegranate about two thirds of way down from the calyx.
Gently pull the pomegranate apart. It will fall into a star shape. If you didn't slice the bottom, the individual slices will be attached at the center, like a flower. You can then eat the pomegranate as is, or separate the arils first.
EditMethod 2 of 3: Cutting It Horizontally
Make three horizontal scores all the way around the fruit. One should be dead center, and the other two should be split the top and bottom in their respective halves. Don't pierce all the way through the fruit; just pierce through the skin. The fruit should remain in one piece after you've made your cuts.
- You may want to put rubber gloves on; the pomegranate stain can be pretty fierce!
Pry up the top and bottom of the fruit. The skin should come off, starting to reveal the seeds. Very few seeds should come off with the skin. If there is excess skin sticking the body of the fruit, peel it away, too.
- On the top, a bit of the calyx may still be lodged into the fruit, depending on the fruit and where you made your slice. If it is, remove it gently.
Score the fruit along one of the exposed star-like lines vertically. Again, don't pierce all the way through. This is just so you can "unwind" the fruit later.
With your thumbs in the initial center cut, pry apart the pomegranate into two halves, or disks. With the vertical incision you just made, pry open each disk, exposing a line (and then two) of pomegranate in front of you. Each row of pomegranate will display several large chunks of the juicy, tasty seeds.
Arrange or dig in. The two center halves will be busting full of the arils, while the top and bottom sections can be discarded. That's how you open a pomegranate — how you eat it is up to you!
EditMethod 3 of 3: Submerging in Water
Cut the pomegranate in half, top to bottom. No need to cut off the calyx or any part of the pomegranate — just in half. If you're concerned with juice getting everywhere, score it around the midsection.
Grab a large bowl and fill it with water. If you have two halves, place them face down in the water. If the fruit is just scored, pry it open (forming two parts) while the fruit is submerged, also placing the fruit skin side up. This will keep the juice from getting everywhere.
Coax out the seeds with your fingers. The white piths will float and the seeds will sink. As you get closer and closer to the skin, you'll be able to invert the fruit, getting all the seeds, even the ones closest to the edge. When you're finished, you'll be left with the skeleton of the pomegranate, like two inverted caps.
Get out your strainer. Dispose of the skin, skim off the white piths (tossing those in the trash, too), and just strain out the water. Tada! Seeds in a bowl. Every single one 'em.
Mar 15
Can you make a banana milkshake?
Click here to try!!

Mar 14
February 12th is Pancake Day in Britain. Have you ever eaten pancakes?
Mar 09
Watch and listen to What's Your News? What do Prisha and Paaras decide to make for their Mum's breakfast?

Nov 14
There are eight fruits in this game. Can you match the pictures and the words?
Click to the picture and play the game

Nov 14
Practise words for food with this game. Read the clues and find the words in the wordsearch.
Click here and play the game

Nov 14
What do you have for breakfast? Listen to John, Owen and Lily talk about what they have for breakfast.
Click here and listen.
You've heard John, Owen and Lily talk about breakfast. What about you? We'd love to hear about your breakfast!
- What do you have for breakfast?
- What time do you have breakfast?
- Where do you have breakfast?
- Who prepares your breakfast?
- Do you like breakfast?

Then print the dialoge here
Oct 10

A food guide pyramid is a pyramid shaped guide of healthy foods divided into sections to show the recommended intake for each food group. The first food pyramid was published in Sweden in 1974.[1][2][3] The most widely known food pyramid was introduced by the United States Department of Agriculture in the year 1992, was updated in 2005, and then replaced in 2011.[4] Over 25 other countries and organizations have also published food pyramids.[5]
Sep 12
Do you know your pizza from your curry? Try this food quiz and test your food knowledge.
Click here and try it!!!

Apr 19
What's your favourite drink? Do you prefer fruit juice or fizzy drinks? How many glasses of water or milk do you drink every day? Are you feeling thirsty now?
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