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Sep 30
LOOK in the mirror and tell yourself 10 things you love about yourself. This should only take about 10 minutes.
Put some effort in to how you look. The way you look plays a big role in the way you feel.
Don't worry about what others think of you. As long as you don't agree with what they're saying! (Example: Negative comments.)
Sometimes we NEED to have reasons to pamper ourselves. Yours could be: "I DESERVE IT!"
Do things that you enjoy doing and go out with your friends and have a laugh!
Sep 30
Ask your parents, guardians or teachers for advice. Ask a person you know that you can trust and with whom you feel comfortable. Tell them the things that are bothering you and let them know why you are feeling so low. It is important that they understand very quickly that you are having feelings of depression.
See a doctor or local health professional. Whether or not you feel you can talk to a parent/guardian or teacher, you should feel able to talk to an independent third party such as your doctor, a nurse, or a counselor. They will be able to provide advice to you on what to do next and doctors can prescribe medication or other medical interventions if they judge that this is needed.
Deal with the cause of your depression. If you are suffering from problems at school or elsewhere, it is unlikely that these problems will go away unless you face them and find strategies to cope better. For example, if you are being bullied, taunted, hit, or hurt in any way, you must speak to people in authority to ask them to have the behavior stopped. If you are worried about the repercussions, talk through the possible solutions with people who can do something to help you, such as walking you home with people who will take care of you, having teachers keep an eye over bullying tactics, and even changing schools or after-school activities so that you are no longer around the people who cause problems.
Do not neglect yourself or put yourself down. Depression is a very real illness and is often a reaction to events that you feel you have no control over and cannot change. Depression makes things worse for you because you start to believe that things will never improve and you might even blame yourself for the things that are happening. None of these feelings are healthy, nor are they right. You deserve better, you deserve to have people take care of you and bring you back to full emotional health. In some cases too, you might have a chemical imbalance which the doctor will need to monitor and help with. Another important outcome of getting help is that you can learn coping mechanisms that will help you to avoid falling into a depression in the future.
Sep 30
If your parent is too proud to accept their mistakes, try to speak to someone who can tell them what they are doing is wrong, and make them realize their mistakes.
If step 1 doesn't work, and you're still not in speaking terms, just show them that you still care for them and be thoughtful in small ways that can make them realize they are wrong.
If step 2 still doesn't work, still not on speaking terms, maybe a lot of prayers for them can make a miracle, and just continue to show that you are not what they are telling you badly, just because you let them down.
If you are ready to speak with them, try to forget what they have said and just forgive them for they are your parents…and ask for forgiveness, and that will make them realized their mistakes because you initiated the right action, which they should have done before.
Sep 30
As best you can, allow yourself to become aware of your surroundings. Take in the awe of what man and nature has created. Taking time to smell the roses actually is pretty good advice. Who knew your mother would have the final say? Take it from me, I'm an old pro at drudging up the past because for most of my life I've worked alone. I've been my own man. Sounds great except for the fact the 'present' disappears and you find yourself reliving the past for whatever it was worth, or shaping the future on false premises.
Talk to yourself, but not in the same way you did when thinking about the past or trying to create the future. "Not today, Mr. Past. You're not going to ruin my day once again." Go ahead. Say it. Privately or aloud. Just say it until the words become as much a part of your morning wakeup as putting on a clean pair of socks.
Did you know that when talking to your subconscious you'll never lose the argument? Sounds fine if it wasn't for the fact that you're arguing about the most ridiculous things possible, things that can't be changed or haven't yet occurred.
Stop beating yourself up. Smile. Congratulate yourself for becoming aware of what's going on in your life and having made the decision to change or eliminate it. Walk on the sunny side of the street and quit judging others as if they're books on a shelf and the only way you'll read the book is if it has a nice cover.
If possible get off the meds and let friends and strangers nurse you back to good health. Let's face it. The past and future are only a heartbeat away – too close to measure. In fact so close it's easy to see how you can get squeezed from the present without knowing it. The only thing you can control is your present state of mind. Be there, in the moment, and soon you'll appreciate just how lucky others are to know you, in the same way you'll feel about them.
Sep 30
Create an inspiration board. Make some use of those outdated magazines you may have laying around the house and start cutting out whatever images that stand out to you. It may be a certain word,such as "Fire" or "Vision" or an image of a woman standing on a mountain top. Whatever catches your eye, cut it out and start to arrange those images on a board.
Step outside of your comfort zone. When something makes us uncomfortable, it is usually that something we would grow from the most. Think of it as the beckoning of the spirit. What could you learn from this—if you dared?
Try something new. You look up at that dance studio everyday as the train passes on the way to work—why not sign up for a class? There are certain things that are meant to peak our interest—as it may be the door way to discovering your passion.
Stroll down memory lane. Look at old photographs of yourself when you were a child and talk to your family. What moment captured strikes a cord within you? What are your families fondest memories of you? Passion often lies in the past.
Volunteer. There is nothing that stirs up the passion within more than giving back, and there are so many opportunities to do so. Find an opportunity that interests you and offer up your talents.
Use your gifts. We are all blessed with the ability to do something exceedingly well and to withhold it is to withhold your light from the world. Whether you have a niche for writing, painting, or cooking—use your gift. Your passion could stir up passion in someone else.
Sep 30
Change up your routine. Get some excitement in your life. Don't be a couch potato. Exercise for at least 20 minutes a day. Go for a jog once in a while, do some extra sit-ups, or just a walk.
Make some more friends. With friends, you'll feel more important and like you always have someone to rely on. Make sure these are true friends who like you for you — not two-faced ones who are shallower than a kiddy pool. Go out more often instead of being a shut-in.
Volunteer. Help your community, volunteer to help work with a charity or two, and always lend a helping hand to someone in need.
Adopt a pet. Not only are you helping save a poor animal's life, but you also can build a long-term friendship with your pet. Instead of buying one from a pet store or breeder, go to your local pound and adopt one. If nobody adopts an animal, it will be put to sleep.
Get a job. Not only will you get paid, but you'll be helping make people's lives easier. If you've never had a job before, it is best to not jump-start into something big that takes up all of your time.
Take better care of yourself. Do you eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day? Do you drink 64 oz. of water a day? Or do you stuff yourself with chips and soda? If you are overweight, consider going on a diet to get in shape.
Find a significant other. Some people find more fulfillment in their life when they have a romantic partner to share it with. You're still a teenager, so don't fall head-over-heels in love and make plans to get married. Take it at an easy pace that you feel comfortable. Don't rush into things. And remember, it's okay to date more than one person at a time as long as you have only one steady boyfriend or girlfriend at one time.
Get a makeover. Haven't you ever wondered what you would look like with bangs? What about if you cut your hair short? Hair is a great way to express yourself and if you refresh your hairstyle, you could refresh your self-image, too. You could also get some new clothes, if you can afford it. Donate your old ones to charity instead of throwing them out and buy some new ones. Try looking through shops at the mall. Try out some new clothes without changing drastically in one day.
Get a hobby. Okay, so you're filling out a survey. It has a space that reads, "What are your hobbies?" And you're sitting there staring at the question as if it was a question on your math test that your teacher forgot to teach you, and you can't figure it out on your own because you forgot to study. You don't have to be like that anymore! Find something fun by trying out some new activities — just nothing dangerous. You'd be surprised how many fun things there are out there that you haven't tried yet! Spend all of your time on the computer? Try cooking or sewing. They may sound boring, but they can be a heck of a lot of fun if you just give them a chance instead of immediately sticking your nose up toward them.
Don't take things too seriously. Why can't life be fun? Oh, that's right, it can! Be optimistic. Talk to someone you trust when you have a problem and when you get sad, smile anyway–it could be way worse. Be grateful for what you have and never give up.
Sep 30
Find a style that you really like. Go alone, or with the closest friends you have if you prefer, to the mall and look at all the of the clothing stores that interest you, even the tiniest bit. Buy a few shirts, pants, skirts, anything you want that you really like. Try not to label yourself with you do this. Instead of saying, "I wear a lot of black, so I must be goth", say something like, "I like the color black on me."
Think about all of your friends, enemies, people you don't know personally, but you've seen, everyone! Eliminate the people who have been cruel, and mean to you and just try to block them out more. Then take the people that you like, and are nice to you, and be your total self around them. Finally, take the people you don't know, and get to know them. Talk to the new people as you would your friend.
Look at yourself in the mirror and think about all of the reasons why you love yourself, and what you maybe would like to change. Keep the qualities you like, and make an effort to change the things you don't like.
-Optional- Get a journal. Write in it as much as you want, once a day, or once a month. It's totally up to you, and when you get mad/sad/excited/ETC you can write about it. This helps in 3 ways; Its a great way to take out your anger, or sadness, you'll be entertained, and you can look back at what you wrote, and learn something new about yourself.
Find hobbies like swimming, riding horses, writing, singing, or more broad things like sports, music, and animals. Choose three and do them as much as you can. Also, if one of your interests is music you can choose a favorite band.
Sep 30
Concentrate on the process of 'feeling your feelings'. We all want to have the ‘good’ feelings – happy, upbeat, and confident. We resist feeling sadness, anger, and other ‘bad’ feelings. Our natural, clear state of consciousness is peace, bliss, and gratitude – some very ‘good’ feelings.
- Suppressing feelings is trying to be happy but it just doesn’t work. When we refuse to feel emotions that come up then we are not free in life.
Choose freedom. This is an important component of happiness. In order to be free, it's important to grapple with the arguments the mind might be giving to persuade you not to feel your emotions:
- You feel that, if you let the emotion in, it will hurt – and it does. But it also hurts to walk around all day clenching. You don’t avoid hurt by stuffing feelings down; it’s just a different pain.
Let your feelings grow. If you let the emotion in, it will grow. We have all experienced letting in a feeling and then it brings in its younger brother and cousin and so on. We can be afraid the line won’t end and there won’t be room for us! That won’t happen. It is true that as you change your approach to feelings from “go away” to “okay, I am listening” there will be a lot more showing up. But you won’t be consumed by it and at any point you can call a time out and come back to it later.
- We feel emotions to some extent and then suppress them (i.e., call a timeout), and then later, sometimes in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, we revisit them. We might as well make this process conscious rather than random.
- Suppressing emotions is working great – The ego or “I Know Mind” wants to keep its job so it reminds of us of how well it is protecting us. We may have hired it back in first grade but it is time for an honest performance evaluation. This suppression strategy has its demerits.
Understand that when you resist an emotion, it takes energy. Sadness, fear, anger and upset are going to come up in life and when you resist them you are resisting “what is.” The effort you expend fighting what is, is energy that you don’t have for living life. Your ability to relax, breathe and be present in the moment is diminished by that part of yourself that is holding the lid down so that pesky feeling won’t get out.
Realize that you suffer a loss by avoiding feelings. Missing out on life is a big price to pay to avoid a feeling. Practice noticing when you resist a feeling and how it feels as you try to show up in the world in a way different from how you are feeling.
Sep 30
Look in the mirror. Take a deep breath, and imagine yourself standing with your toes in an ocean. The waves come up over you, but you stand your ground, you hold your place in time. You are your own strength, and you must feel this. Think of yourself as this energy, a powerful being against realities harms. When you do so, it grows a sense of importance in you, not arrogance, but importance. With this simple practice, you will soon be on the fast track to gaining confidence. If you are having difficulties in feeling this, think of all of the things in life that you have succeeded in. You are a source of power, and you have made it through so much already. Even when times are difficult, you still have strength deep inside, whether you see it or not.
Think of your strongest qualities.Do you have a strong-willed passion and determination to finish what you start, or do you enable yourself to live to your fullest? Count everything as a quality, whether it be how beautiful your eyes are, or how skilled you seem to be at scrabble. Feel gratitude for each of these things. How do you think your life would be without one of your qualities? Who would you be otherwise? You see, so many people go day to day without realizing just how much they have until it's gone. Once you see how much you already have, you feel more complete and start to respect your life. Instead of comparing yourself to others, which brings down your self-esteem greatly, think of what you have that others are lacking.
Focus on today.
Focus on today. Make the most of this moment, this small space in time. Laugh more, be with family more often, take the time to appreciate other's company and learn to grow as an individual. Take a moment to assess how far you've made it in this life already. Are you all that you'd hoped to be by now? If not, think of what you could do to change. Could you listen more, hold higher expectations in yourself, or live in the now? Don't beat yourself up on the answers, as they will come in their own time. Think of all that you have done so far. You are making it in this world, you are improving minute by minute, day by day. Take a deep breath and breathe it all in. Imagine filling every space in your body with compliments from within.
Feel beautiful, no matter what others think of you.
Believe that you are beautiful, inside and out. Compliment every single part of your body, and try to see yourself through a different pair of eyes. See yourself as beauty at its finest. The more you whole-heartedly believe that you are, in fact, good looking, the more you start to accept yourself. You can be sure that it will only get better as you do so. Let no one get in the way of what you're feeling, this is your life, and you should not let others bring you down. When life seems like a rainstorm, just remember all that you already have, and the people in your life that make it all worthwhile. Some people search the world for the things you already possess, something so real and so inspirational. Count your blessings and be ready for them to multiply!
Sep 29
Learn to know yourself. Take a lot of time to think about yourself. Take some time every now and then and sit down and try to write down your goals for your life in general and small stuff in your everyday life you want to change. You only have this life, so if it's something you don't like about yourself, on the outside or/and on the inside, you can change it, and you can do it now! You don't have to look at yourself as the most gorgeous girl in the world, if you can't, but just be open to the possibility that you could be. You can do exactly what you want, as it's your life.
Make a change. Whether it's a change in you appearance or within yourself, start off the new area with a mark that separates your new self from the old one. Don't be discouraged if you fail with the change the first time, since old habits are often hard to get rid of. Just know that it's possible.
Get a role model. Find at least one person to look to for guidance. It could be somebody close to you or a celebrity who you admire in some way. They usually say that admiration for a person means that you find similar features in yourself. Don't try to be exactly like the other person. Just to look up to someone can change the way you look at different things. If you want, get different role models for different parts of yourself, like fashion, personality, talents and so on.
Start moving your body. You do not necessarily have to really exercise, but moving your body makes a lot of difference. Just something like dancing, whether you're out or at home, or involving different activities makes a difference. When you're moving, you get endorphins flowing in the blood that will help you to radiate the sense of well-being and that will help you enjoy being you.
Start to flirt. A big part of a young female's life are guys. Young girls are at a state in our life when we want to feel beautiful and accepted, and especially from guys. We want to feel wanted, but to feel wanted, you have to want. A flirt is not a big deal, but a smile or a glance can make you feel really daring, happy and pretty in a way. Never put yourself on a lower level than the person you like. You are just as worthy of love, and the people that can't look behind appearance or first impressions aren't worth your time.
Friendships with girls. Surround yourself with lovely girls that you feel comfortable hanging out with. To be a girl you should have good friendships with girls around you, then you can together help each other and boost each others confidence. This does not exclude friendships with guys, since they can be good friends as well. But just make sure to find friends that are girls to get along with, because they go through similar stuff as you and can be helpful in areas where boys are not.
Practice religion/Know your Beliefs. Knowing your beliefs and having them will give you confidence in who you are as an individual.
Don't be too serious. Remember that everything is not dead-serious-stuff. Learn to laugh about yourself and silly things that get blown-up. This is your only life as far as you know, make the best of it. Try not to let the bad things take over your life, but take time for your feelings at the same time, the happy and the sad. Life is life, you have to feel sadness to feel happiness, so do not make excuses for yourself and your feelings. Make your final goal to enjoy life!
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