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Oct 10
Make sure you agree on your date. Where is your date going to be? What time? Are you going with anybody? Be sure that you both know where to go and when, so there isn't any confusion in the end.
- Give each other your cell phone number and email address in case you need to contact each other beforehand.
Be prepared. Get to your destination early enough, probably about five minutes early, depending on where you are going. If you are a girl, put on lip gloss in case you do some kissing, and if you are a boy, bring some extra cash (a gentleman always pays the bill on the first date).
Make a good impression. Dress well for your date, and smell nice. Make sure to brush your teeth and smell okay. Smile and talk nicely (don't use curse words). Think about how you would want your partner to feel about you, and be this person.
Talk. Make lots of eye contact. Do not stare eerily, but do engage in the conversation by looking at them and letting them know you are listening. Be a good listener, but don't be too quiet. Tell them about your family life, your job, or anything else that you have some good stories on.
Be spontaneous. Avoid being quiet the whole time or not eating anything. be happy, smiley, bubbly, energetic, and happy to be there. The move also known as the Yawn moveis a good start to a first date. Be sly at this point.
Oct 10
Think about what makes someone come home from a first date and tell their friends, "Wow, my date was awesome! I had such a great time getting to know this person and can’t wait to see them again." While it might have been the revealing clothes they wore or maybe even their perfume, it was most likely something more than that. Things that make a first date truly memorable are often found greater in the mental rather than the physical connections.
Be a true optimist. Try and think positively when out on a first date. Ignore the fact that you prefer to date men that are 180cm or taller when this guy is only 160cm. A person’s height shouldn’t determine his level of intelligence or sense of humor. Try not to pay attention to the fact that they have brown hair when you really prefer blondes. They could turn out to be one of the nicest people you’ve met in a while.
Be a good listener. On a date, a great listener knows how to keep the conversation moving with a healthy mix of give and take. The more you focus on asking the other person questions, the more you’ll learn about them. If you allow your date to really open up and tell you about who they are, it’s quite likely that you'll get the same treatment.
Be flexible. When it comes to a first date, one of the most difficult parts can be simply agreeing on where to go and what to do. So you don’t really love Chinese food, and they've made a reservation at a Chinese restaurant? What can you do? It’s probably not appropriate to argue on a first date. Surely there must be something simple on the menu that you could be happy with! Try and appreciate the fact that the other person took the time to arrange everything and just go along with it, if you can.
Be yourself. This one is perhaps the most important of all the points. If you’re not being yourself on a first date, you are truly doing a disservice to the other person. They agreed to go out with you because there was something about you that called for their attention. If you seemed so funny on the phone, but on the date you are all stiff and serious, that’s not a real reflection of you. If you think of yourself as a silly and humorous person, don’t hide that from your date. Be yourself and let your true energy shine through. If your date isn’t interested in that side of you, then you’ll know it’s time to move on.
Oct 10
Look your best, but not like you tried too hard. Make sure your hair is clean, your makeup is light and natural, and your dressed up comfortably, yet well. Also, make sure to be clean and use a good deodorant and perfume, too – smelling good makes you more attractive. You need to feel like yourself, yet you need to feel appealing so you'll be more confident. Also, be sure you know how to appear and dress for the occasion. If not, don't be afraid to ask your date! If he is going to your house or somewhere that you have gone and he has not, be sure to give him some dressing advice as well, but don't be too pushy.
Be polite. Treat him right, but don't go overboard. Just be yourself, but make sure to be lady-like and educated to him.
Be nice to talk with but also be a good listener. Talk about yourself, let the conversation go naturally. But be careful, don't talk too much, let him know that you're truly interested in knowing about him – so ask about him, about what he likes doing. Simply be interested in what he says and show it. He appreciate it.
Don't take yourself too seriously. Meaning, don't try too hard to be all sexy, seductive or to seem mature. Guys like girls who can be playful and fun – so laugh, don't be too high maintenance and treat him as a friend. But don't go overboard, you still need to be polite and lady-like, so don't exaggerate.
Play a little hard to get. Only cause you guys are on a date, doesn't mean you need to make it easy for him. Be great to be with, but don't let him kiss you so easily or do anything more than that. It is only a date, and if you let him think he can kiss you or go to bed with you so easily, chances are he will not take you seriously enough for a second date… or for a more serious relationship.
Oct 10
Plan a date. Find out what your crush likes. This can be done by talking to them directly or by asking their closest friends. Pay attention to your conversations with them; presumably, your crush will talk a lot about themselves, and all of that is great material to keep in mind when deciding date spots, gifts, etc.
Determine the right time to ask. Typically, you should have exchanged a few conversations with your crush before you decide to ask them on a date. Not only does it increase the chance that they will say yes, but it also means that you already know your personalities are compatible and are likely to have a good time.
- People who ask strangers on dates are basing their decision purely on physical attraction. This is riskier, but not always a bad idea.
With a date idea in mind, ask them out. Always make specific plans to meet at a certain location during a specific time, or you'll just have to ask them again later. There are a few ways to do this, depending on your relationship with your crush:
- Start by just asking to hang out. Unless you are certain that they are romantically interested in you, resist the temptation to instantly flag your invitation as a date. If they have never considered something romantically with you or if they are naturally a timid person, your forward request might catch them off-guard and scare them off. Instead, if you ask them to hang out (which may or may not be a just-friends thing), you can ease them into the transition of a relationship. Moreover, if the hanging out alone goes well, your crush will also see that it's great to spend time with you alone. That will likely cause them to develop feelings for you as well, or at least be more receptive to being more than friends.
- If you and your crush have been hanging out for awhile but things are still in the friend zone, then you want to make things explicit. You can either pose the question directly as an invitation, or bring up the subject of a relationship at one of your hangouts.
If they say yes, congratulations! Know that this means they are at least interested in getting to know you more intimately, which may eventually lead to a relationship. Continue to make any necessary preparations for your special date.
- If you only asked them to hang out, keep in mind that a "yes" does not necessarily mean they are romantically interested in you. You'll want to see how the first hangout goes, and then proceed to ask them to hang out more later. (Hopefully they will also reciprocate by initiating hangouts, but don't expect this.) Sometimes, this naturally eases into a relationship, but if not, you'll have to just ask them out explicitly after awhile.
If they say no, don't worry about it. You are a great person who deserves dates, but sometimes the circumstances don't work out for reasons beyond your control. Try not to feel dejected, and respond to the rejection with dignity and respect.
- If you only asked them to hang out, consider whether their excuse was genuine (in which case you can consider asking them to hang out again in a week or so) or not (in which case they are probably not interested in you). Regardless, because your request was not an explicit invitation to potential romance, you don't need to explain yourself or even talk about that subject. Just accept their "no" as you would any friend who couldn't make it to something you had invited them to.
- If you actually asked them on a date or made your feelings clear, then tell them you understand your request may have caught them off-guard. Next, be honest about your feelings. If any of the following apply, then say it:
- "I'll be here if you reconsider and want to talk about us going out again."
- "I understand your feelings, but I still need some closure. I think I'll need my space for some time and that we should have minimal contact temporarily."
- "I would love to still be friends with you."
- "I don't think you've been treating me fairly if you really have no desire to be more than friends. I think we should take a break and re-evaluate the boundaries in our friendship."
Oct 10
Go up to him. (You must use your acting skills) Act like you forgot the homework, then ask him what the homework is. Once he tells you, tell him you tend to forget homework assignments and if you could have his number in case you forget more of your 'homework'
If that does not work for some reason, or you do not want to make yourself sound foolish; try this method: (Again use your acting skills) Ask if you can review test subjects with him and he will most likely give you his number.
If you do not want to do that method then hopefully this one will be right for you. *This one may make you sound goofy* Approach your guy casually and show him your phone. Show him your contacts and then say: I really want to beat my friend and see who has the most contacts by the end of the day so.. can I get your number? (Don't sound pushy or greedy or excited act like your telling this to your parents)
If none of the methods worked or he didn't give you his number you have two more options: Just ask him or get a friend to ask him and when you call him say you found his number in book or something.
Oct 10
Get the IM address of your guy. This is because it might be easier to ask him out over the internet, and you will have more confidence.
Notice if the guy is flirting with you. It can help to have a second opinion on this from your friends. If people, including yourself, think he is, then it is time to go for it.
Plan things out. If you know exactly what to say and how to say it, everything will work fine.
Have a very careful approach when asking him on a date. Make it seem like hanging out when you are asking him so that you can always cover up if the plan goes wrong. However, it is crucial that you keep things light-hearted and flirty so that he can guess that you don't mean just as friends.
Meet at somewhere mutual and fun (for example just grab an ice cream or something). Keep it short and quirky – that way you retain some mystery, and make him want to see you again.
Try and set a date to meet again, but don't be too pushy.
Oct 10
Don't get ready too early. Your clothes will get messy and you will look like you just got out of bed. Have a shower, plan your outfit, hair, make-up at least a day before.
If he is picking you up, wave, say hello and SMILE. This should instantly make him think "OK, she's happy. Good start."
If you are on a group date, talk to everyone! This will make him realize that you're sociable, and you are not just paying attention to him.
If you are not on a group date, ask him questions. Get to know him. If you have known him for a while, you should find this easy. If you haven't, be calm. Pretend he is your brother, or favourite cousin. Pretend he is an old friend you have known forever.
If you are at the movies, cry if they're showing cute dirt-poor people. If there is a kissing scene, say "that is so romantic" or "that is so cute!" then lean on his shoulder and do your best to cry. This will make him feel sorry for you, and 86% of guys will put their arm around you. He might even kiss your head or rub your shoulder.
If it is a dinner date, ask him what he wants first. Pretend you can't read a word if you are at a different language restaurant, if not, you will just seem weird and partially dumb, also don't do this if you are taking that language as a class but can always say "you forgot your glasses" or something, good thinking, then it will work. Lean over to him, squint a bit and ask him what it says. This will break the touch barrier, and gets you two closer.
If you asked him out, offer confidently like you know you should, to pay, unless he insists he should. This shows that you can be a leader, with strong personality.
When the date is over, say goodbye and wave. If you haven't already, exchange numbers or e-mails. Hug him right before you leave, give him a quick peck on the cheek if you are that daring! (look at How to Kiss A Boy to know how to do that.
Don't get too dolled up or he will think you are trying too hard, and be repulsed.
If you go in a group make sure you tell him that he can bring his friends too that way he isn't surrounded by girls. Trust me, he will not like that.
If you bring guy friends make sure he is okay with that; he might not but respect that. It might be weird; it's kind of weird and awkward altogether. Anyhow, don't give too much attention to them or your boyfriend might get jealous and think you have feelings for that friend you keep eyeing.
Oct 10
Dress to impress. Guys may say they like it when a girl shows some skin,(because they are visual) but that doesn't mean you should show up in a micro-mini and low-cut v-neck tank top, but it is okay to wear a dress that shows your shoulders, some leg and shows a little bit of your chest. If you're a little bit on the heavy side, then wear a nice blouse. But remember to be comfortable. Don't wear something with so much skin that you look desperate.
Wear some makeup. You should put on some lip gloss or lipstick that matches what you're wearing (unless it's purple, black, or blue), something like brown or red or pink is good. A little mascara doesn't hurt and some eye liner. But don't over do it. You don't want your date thinking he is on a date with a clown.
Be polite. Don't say rude things and mean things. Don't criticize his opinion – that's a big turn off – but be sure to keep your own as well. Just use the typical advice: Don't say anything you wouldn't say in front of your Grandma.
Have good table manners. When you are eating chew like you have a secret. Close your mouth when chewing and don't talk with your mouth full, you know this one, right?
Don't keep the conversation on you the whole time. If he asks you to, it's okay but don't tell him your life story or share personal or private information- if your relationship with him goes on longer than this one date, you can tell him later. If it doesn't, you probably don't want him knowing those things about you.
Make the conversation two-sided. Don't ask stupid questions or personal questions, but keep the conversation moving back and forth between you two. Ask him important things like "What are your passions in life?", etc.
Always joke around, tell them funny things and talk to them a bit about your family life, school, job etc. Remember to laugh at funny things they say.
Oct 10
Look Nice. This doesn't mean you have to wear a tuxedo, but you also can't show up wearing nice jeans and a t-shirt. Wear a nice button down shirt (but leave the collar unbuttoned), tucked in, and can be done with a blazer jacket or without. If you are going to a expensive restaurant, add maybe a tie. Don't wear dress pants. Slap on your favorite pair of jeans, as long as they're not all ripped up or covered in dirt.
Don't wear anything with bad jokes on it. Bad jokes are definitely a big no-no but words on a t-shirt is more than fine, especially if it's a unique piece/vintage/not seen in most chain stores. It makes you stand out as someone who cares about their casual clothing and isn't just a slave to fashion labels.
Mind your manners. This is a key ingredient for a successful date. No girl likes a guy who's rude and obnoxious, but don't be too formal either.
Have good table manners. Chew with your mouth closed, don't slurp your drink, don't talk with your mouth full, burp, fart, or do anything that could be perceived as disgusting. If you do this, then the date will be OVER!!! Place your napkin on your lap, don't tuck it in your collar!!
Don't let the conversation be completely focused on you. Talking about only yourself can make you seem arrogant. Ask her about herself, where she went/goes to school, family, etc. Just don't make it too personal if it's your first date, and especially if she does not seem comfortable. Also, be funny and make her laugh.
Make a decent departure. Hug each other. Kiss her on the cheek if you want to, but don't go into deep and intimate kissing. And if she gives you her phone number, always call her within 2-3 days afterwards. When you leave a message don't say why you called but just say to call back and leave your phone number even if she has it.
Remember that if it is a first date, she might be just as nervous as you are so don't be too judgmental. Just try to make it fun and relaxing :)
Oct 10
Determine how you felt about the date. Your feelings about your date should guide you toward a preference. For example, if you really liked your date, then you may prefer to see the person again, right away. Evaluate the following:
- Consider what you liked and disliked about your date. Make a list of the things you liked about the person, as well as a list of the things you did not like. Decide if there is anything on the list that gives you a definitive answering regarding follow-up.
- Assess your level of interest. You may be extremely interested in knowing more about the person, have a passing interest rather than a desire or completely lack any interest in learning more about your date. Remember that people may not always be their natural selves during first dates, so you may want to give someone that you're not quite sure about a second chance.
Assess the date from a subjective standpoint. Although there is no standard dating how to formula, there are ways to measure a date's subjective success. Chances are that if a date was successful by certain measures, then a second date is a good idea. Think about the following:
- Signs of a good first date include regular eye contact, playful flirting, time passing without either party being aware, physical gestures (touching hands, brushing up against each other, etc.), ease of conversation, open body stance, mimicking each others' body language and speaking of doing things together in the future.
- Signs of a bad first date include 1 person or the other talking too much, excessive egocentric talk, bringing up past relationships, extended uncomfortable silences, checking the time, overtly sexual flirting, texting or phoning during the date, closed body language (crossed arms), frequent trips to the restroom, criticism, rudeness to other people, unwarranted affection, lack of response to wanted affection and unexpectedly ending the date early.
Consider how the date ended. Gauging where and how the date left off is a great way to figure out how you should act after the first date.
- If the date ended abruptly, without much of a goodbye or even a walk to the doorway, that may be indicative of a lack of interest. Conversely, if both of you seemed to be stretching the end of the date out, then there may be more there to explore.
- When both parties willingly go in for a kiss at the end of a first date, then it is likely that they are both interested in getting to know each other. Conversely, if the date ended with an awkward hug or an unreciprocated romantic gesture, then it is likely that either 1 or both of the daters was not interested in advancing the relationship.
- Keep in mind that the closing comments of the date can be the decisive factor in regards to how you should act afterward. For example, if you tell your date you will call, then it is up to you to call. Likewise, if your dates ends ambiguously, with no one volunteering follow-through, then you will have to decide how you want to handle things post-date.
Follow up in accordance with what you know about the date. Take into account how you feel about the date, how subjectively successful you think the date was and how the date ended. You have a number of options when it comes to post-date follow-up:
- If you determine that you are not interested in getting to know the person after your first date, or if you are convinced the date was irreparably unsuccessful, then there is no need to pursue another date. However, it is a good idea to let the person know that you are not interested so as to avoid unwanted follow-up on the other end.
- If the date went well and you want to see the other person again, then you may want to contact the other person. There is no official dating how to about when to call back, although 2 to 3 days is a commonly cited timeframe. Prepare what you want to say ahead of time so as to avoid stumbling over your words, and be sure to let the other know that you enjoyed the date and would like to get together again. Also, be ready to make a specific second-date suggestion. For example, a good post-date message could go something like, "I had a great time with you the other night and would love to see you again. Would you like to see that new movie we talked about this coming weekend?"
- If you are interested in a second date, but refuse to make follow-up contact, then you have no choice but to wait for the other to contact you.
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