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Candy Stick Vase

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What you'll need

  • Aluminum can
  • Candy
  • Double-sided foam mounting tape
  • Ribbon
  • Plastic cup

How to make it

  1. To make one, first snugly wrap 3 or 4 rings of double-sided foam mounting tape around a clean, dry, and labelless aluminum can (ours was 15 ounces).

  2. Peel off the tape's protective covering to expose its second sticky side.

  3. One at a time, attach colorful individually wrapped candy sticks (available at candy shops; we used 26) to the tape, setting them as close together as possible and pressing them firmly in place.

  4. For a festive finish, tie a ribbon around the container. To use the vase for fresh flowers or plants, set a plastic cup inside the can as a liner before adding water.

Candy Countdown Garland

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What you'll need

  • Wrapped candies (we like striped starlight mints)
  • Ribbon (red or green)

How to make it

  1. Take two of the wrapped candies and using ribbon, tie a twisted plastic end of one to an end of the second mint. Continue until your chain has enough candies for your countdown.

  2. Hang your garlands from the mantel or from doorknobs. Each day, untie and eat one piece of candy.

Pom-pom Snowmen

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What you'll need

  • Needle
  • Thread
  • White pom-poms in 2 sizes: 1-1/2 inches and 1 inch
  • Colored felt
  • 1/4-inch jump rings
  • Glue
  • Orange felt
  • Black fabric paint
  • Yarn
  • String

How to make it

  1. Pom-pom Snowmen Step 1

    For each one, thread a needle with a 2-foot length of thread, then double it and knot the end. For the snowman's body and head, pass the needle through the centers of 3 white pom-poms: first a 1-1⁄2-inch pom-pom, then two 1-inch pom-poms.

  2. To add a hat, sew through the centers of a 1-1⁄2-inch circle of colored felt and a matching 1-inch pom-pom. Slip the needle through a 1⁄4-inch jump ring (found in the beading aisle of craft stores), then secure the snowman by scrunching the parts together slightly and sewing back through the hat and the head. Tie the thread to itself between the two 1-inch white pom-poms and trim any excess.

  3. Glue on a small orange felt triangle for a nose and add dots of black fabric paint for a face and buttons. Finally, tie on a yarn scarf and a loop of string for a hanger.

Push the Envelope

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With this simple painting technique, your child can take a large mailing envelope (11 by 17 inch works well), give it a little character (a silly snowman, for example), and call it a wrap for a gift book, puzzle, video or box of stationery.

Cut a basic snowman shape from construction paper and use a few pieces of rolled masking tape to temporarily stick it to the face of the envelope. Dip a soft sponge into blue tempera paint and then dab color onto the envelope all around the snowman. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly.

Carefully remove the construction-paper cutout and then use colored markers to draw a face, arms, a hat and buttons. For an authentic touch, glue on a miniature felt scarf.

Candy Sleigh

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What you'll need

  • Square tissue or cracker box
  • Candy canes
  • Red tape or paint
  • Candy

How to make it

  1. Cut off and discard the top of the box. Trim the cut edge of the box so that it resembles a sleigh.

  2. Cover the sleigh with red tape or paint, or leave it if you like the pattern already printed on.

  3. Cut holes in the lower corners of the sleigh and insert candy canes "runners."

  4. Fill the sleigh with candy.

Candy Cane Dot to Dot

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Angel Colouring Pages

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